ఆరోపణలు చేస్తున్నది ఎవరు?
తెలుగుదేశం నాయకులు (అనగా తెలంగాణ వ్యతిరేకులు)
ఆరోపణలు చేస్తున్నది ఎవరి మీద?
తెలంగాణా ఉద్యమ నాయకత్వం మీద
తెలంగాణవాదిగా నేనేం చెయ్యాలె?
ఉద్యమ నాయకత్వాన్ని నమ్మాలె
ఎందుకు నమ్మాలె?
గుడ్డిగ నమ్మొద్దు. నిజాలు తెలుసుకొవాలె.
పోలవరం టెండర్లు SEW Infrastructure కంపెనీకి ఇచ్చినందుకు ఉద్యమాన్ని ఆపేసిన్రట కదా?
SEW Infrastructure అనే కంపెనీ ఎవరిదో ఒకసారి తెలుసుకోవాలె.
ఆ కంపెనీ గురించి నాకెట్ల తెలుస్తది.
ఏం లేదు. గీడికి పోయి చూడాలె
సదువుడు అయిపొయినంక...
ఒక సారి చంద్రబాబు నుండి జగన్ దాకా ఉన్న రెండు కళ్ల బటాచోర్ లను గమనించాలె
లగడపాటి నుండి రాయపాటి దాక ఉన్న బలిసిన కాంట్రాక్టర్ల కుట్రలను కనిపెట్టాలె
దానం నాగేందర్ నుండి దేవేందర్ గౌడ్ దాకా ఉన్న తెలంగాణ ద్రోహుల చరిత్ర చూడాలె
గత పదేళ్లలో కాంగ్రెస్ నుండి మొదలుకొని సి.పి.ఐ, బీజేపీ, ప్రజారాజ్యం, తెలుగు దేశం, సి.పి.ఐ (ఎం.ఎల్ - న్యూ డెమోక్రసీ) వరకు అన్ని రాజకీయ పార్టీలు తెలంగాణకు జై కొట్టడానికి కారకులెవరో గుర్తుకు తెచ్చుకోవాలె
తెలంగాణను జాతీయ పార్టీలన్నీ గుర్తించి, పార్లమెంటులో బలపరచడానికి వెనుక ఎవరి కృషి ఉందో తెలుసుకోవాలె
సీమాంధ్ర పాలక వర్గాల కుట్రలను కాచుకుంటూ, వారి డబ్బు సంచుల నుండి ఉద్యమాన్ని ఎప్పటికప్పుడు కాపాడుకుంటూ వస్తున్నది ఎవరో తెలుసుకోవాలె.
మన ప్రాంత నాయకులే, ప్రజా సంఘాల ముసుగు దొంగలే నిత్యం పోట్లు పొడుస్తున్నా మడమ తిప్పకుండా ఉద్యమపధంలో సాగుతున్నదెవరో అర్థం చేసుకోవాలె.
త్యాగానికి సరికొత్త అర్థం చెబుతూ కేంద్ర మంత్రి పదవుల నుండి ఎమ్మెల్యే పదవుల వరకూ ఉద్యమం కొరకు గడ్డి పోచల్లా విసెరేసిన పార్టీ ఏదో గమనంలో ఉంచుకోవాలె.
శరద్ పవార్ నుండి మొదలు కొని శరద్ యాదవ్ వరకూ, వీపీ సింగ్ నుండి మొదలు కొని ఐ.కె. గుజ్రాల్ వరకూ ఎందుకు జై తెలంగాణ అన్నారో చదవాలె.
పొరపాట్లు జరిగి ఉండవచ్చు.
వ్యూహాలు కొన్ని విఫలం కావొచ్చు,
కానీ నిజమైన తెలంగాణ నాయకుడెవరో
ఇంకా అర్థం చేసుకోలేని స్థితిలో ఉన్నామా?
శత్రువు దొంగ దాడి చేస్తున్నప్పుడు
అందరం ఒక్కటై,
నాయకత్వాన్ని కాపాడుకోవాలనే
కనీస జ్ఞానం లేని వారమైపోయామా?
Jai Telangana!
Welcome to my blog ‘’Parimalam-పరిమళం’’. Although I have started this blog long time back but I never had put my pen in this. Recently, I thought to put my ideas in words. I would like to name my blog as Parimalam. Now onwards this will be continued on this name and most of the write-ups by my ''Deepam-దీపం'' (my pen name). Some write-ups may be written by other names as well. Well you may be wondering what parimalam is? Parimalam means fragrance, an expression of personality.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
As a Telanganite:
As a Telanganite:
· I will not lose my cool when someone talks negatively about Telangana Movement.
· I will not get agitated by anti-Telangana "news" in the regional and national media.
· I will not respond to foolish questions on why Telangana is needed.
· I will not condemn my leadership on frivolous issues. This will only dilute our cause.
· I will not get swayed by anti-Telangana propaganda.
· I will not unnecessarily denounce my leadership in public.
· I will not lose heart when any of the agitations fail to attain Telangana. I understand that an agitation is only a battle. The war is won after many battles.
· I will stand by the current Telangana leaders as long as they fight for Telangana.
· I will strive to unite all Telangana forces to strengthen our movement.
· I understand that Telangana is a just demand based on sound logic and facts.
· I will approach my leadership and provide constructive feedback.
· I will rise above caste and religion for Telangana.
As a Telanganite:
· I understand that Telangana is one of the greatest people’s movements in world history. And our opponents can’t buy each of us.
· I understand that no force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.
And most importantly...
Telangana is an idea whose time has come
I understand that no single party or leader is entirely responsible for achieving Telangana.
I am responsible for achieving Telangana, because…
I am the movement!
Sujai Karampuri
· I will not lose my cool when someone talks negatively about Telangana Movement.
· I will not get agitated by anti-Telangana "news" in the regional and national media.
· I will not respond to foolish questions on why Telangana is needed.
· I will not condemn my leadership on frivolous issues. This will only dilute our cause.
· I will not get swayed by anti-Telangana propaganda.
· I will not unnecessarily denounce my leadership in public.
· I will not lose heart when any of the agitations fail to attain Telangana. I understand that an agitation is only a battle. The war is won after many battles.
· I will stand by the current Telangana leaders as long as they fight for Telangana.
· I will strive to unite all Telangana forces to strengthen our movement.
· I understand that Telangana is a just demand based on sound logic and facts.
· I will approach my leadership and provide constructive feedback.
· I will rise above caste and religion for Telangana.
As a Telanganite:
· I understand that Telangana is one of the greatest people’s movements in world history. And our opponents can’t buy each of us.
· I understand that no force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.
And most importantly...
Telangana is an idea whose time has come
I understand that no single party or leader is entirely responsible for achieving Telangana.
I am responsible for achieving Telangana, because…
I am the movement!
Sujai Karampuri
loksatta party,
telangana blogs,
Monday, October 24, 2011

request too all telanganites to use any of these pics as ur display pics atleast on Nov, 1st as every telanganite decided to to treat it as a black day.

telangana blogs,
Monday, October 10, 2011
Your Post in Haste “A taste of Telangana” on Tehelka’s Inside-Out Column
Dear Executive Editor Vijay Simha Ji,
Forgive me if I wrongly addressed you as the Executive Editor at Tehelka because of the confusing situation. Tehelka identifies Sankarshan Thakur as the Executive Editor (http://www.tehelka.com/commoncode/tehelka_column/teamtehelka/dateam.htm) while you are identified as the Executive Editor at Tehelka in your column -Vijay Simha is Executive Editor, Tehelka.com. (http://www.tehelka.com/story_main50.asp?filename=Ws280911dignity.asp). I shall leave it to Tehelka to decide who exactly is the Executive Editor at this moment in time.
I have just read your column, "Vijay Simha's Inside Column", on Tehelka web magazine, published on October 4, 2011. This particular column was titled "A taste of Telangana". I take it granted that you personally penned or "authored" the article since it is your column. I was seriously disappointed by the contents of the article, specifically, the asserted "facts". Your opinion can be your own but facts cannot be your own facts. Of course, you hardly provided any data (facts) to substantiate whatever point(s) you were trying to make. And that's another of my disappointments. What exactly was the point(s) you were attempting to make? Either on Telangana or on State Reorganizations in India! On the whole, the article muddled the reputation of both, you - as a seasoned and experienced Journalist of stature in India, as well as that of Tehelka as a premier journalistic publication of substance. I am sorry to state so and request you to forgive me for pointing out the infarction and the pain it might have caused you.
I am just following the illuminating path that Tehelka has blazed: " But most importantly, it (Tehelka) has brought back into hard focus the two most crucial pillars of a free press: public interest and the appetite to question." And I am bringing this issue as a public interest issue and I have the appetite to question untruths and propaganda in which you seem to have indulged in your "Inside Out" article of October 4, 2011, which might be more aptly re-titled "A Post in Haste". At least, I feel that way.
I am going to take your post Inside Out to expose the dangerous underbelly and the rotten gut! The reasons for my doing this are the same reasons for which Tehelka claims to exist! And in Tehelka's own words: "One of the most important keys to a free and just society is the existence of a strong and independent media. A media that acts as our conscience and brings news and perspective to us on issues of national interest. A media that acts without fear or favour. Today, perhaps more than any other media group in India, Tehelka has come to stand for these values."
First thing first. If we must "we must strike him (politician) off the trust list" because he (politician) said he went to Gandhi Ji for clarity then should we also strike Vijay Simha and Tehelka off the Trust List because they both claim even taller virtues"?
And if you "strike him (KCR) off the trust list" do you also strike Gandhi Ji off the Trust List because he also was the REAL Indian politician (not the fake kind of today's India) who didn't have a plan for India when he took up the Cause of Independence for India? In fact, Gandhi Ji and the Indian National Congress (INC), a political party, weren't even sure of what they wanted in the beginning. They started off with a demand for "Home Rule" and not for outright Independence but later matured into a Movement for Total Independence for India. At least, we Telanganites and the political party and the politician in question have been consistent in demanding statehood for Telangana by De-Merging Telangana from Andhra.
And then you accuse and indict both the party and the politician (in effect, all Telanganites) of having no clue why they want Telangana State for: " ...still doesn’t have a plan for Telangana. All that he and his colleagues say is that they won’t rest until Telangana is created. They have no clue after that. This is dangerous."
No kidding? Well then, the very idea and the Movement for India's Independence also must be considered very dangerous because there was NO PLAN then either. And the same applies just about to all Nations that have taken birth - from the US to all other ones formed since then. And the same standard must apply to ALL the States that have been formed since India's independence. What was the PLAN for Andhra when it was demanded and then created? In fact, Andhra State did not even have a Capital city planned then. The whole State operated out of tents after having been kicked out of Madras city. In fact, Andhra State had a deficit budget of FIVE CRORES in 1953. That was a princely sum then. Guess what? Even now, the current State of AP has NO PLAN except to auction off public lands in Telangana and loot all its resources. Neither does the current UPA government have any PLAN! Have you put that same question to the Indian and AP governments as to what their PLANS are for Telangana? Don't, please, list the PLANS listed by SKC Commission. Funny, SKC itself ruled out four of its 6 PLANS and then the PLAN they recommended as solution was the same old, same old conceit that has been touted for the last fifty years but never even attempted for implementation.
Have you even approached KCR or TRS and many other Organizations like TDF that are jointly spearheading this Movement about their PLANS after the De-Merger? You should have. And you would have been pleasantly surprised. For your information and enlightenment, many of us, Telanganites, have not only questioned ourselves "what then, after Telangana State is formed"? but also have formulated our own Ideals and Ideas for a Just and Equitable Telangana State. We have prepared "Telangana Vision Document" which is still being defined and refined. We have had intellectual exchanges on the many burning issues of today (apply to Telangana and the Nation) like Education, Energy (sustainable and renewable), Land Reforms, Industrial Policy, Economic Policy, Social Programmes, Infrastructure, Agricultural policy, Water Resource Development for Safe Drinking Water, for Irrigation, Transportation Needs, Science and Industry Research, Minimum Wage, Sustainable Agriculture, and many other pertinent issues.
I don't think you would find such efforts made by even the Planning Commission of India which has been an utter failure for over sixty years. Today, the Planning Commission headed by the great Manmohan Singh and Montek Singh Ahluwalia has become the butt of jokes owing to its absurd policy statement on who is considered "Poor" in India today.
If you are sincerely and seriously interested in OUR PLANS for Tomorrow's Telangana State, I shall be honored to enlighten you of our Dreams and Ideals and REAL PLAN of ACTIONS. We would even welcome you and the luminaries of Tehelka to contribute to our Plans and Actions for Telangana. We shall even make you all Honourable Citizens of Telangana State!
Now about some "facts" you claimed in your article.
You are mistaken about the relative economic performance of the three states formed in 2000 - Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Uttarkhand. All three States have a MUCH HIGHER PER CAPITA INCOME than the States from which they were carved out, twice as much or higher! Here is the link to educate yourself on the subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_of_India_by_size_of_economy.
You have been quite arrogant and irresponsible in indicting Jharkhand "Jharkhand has no money, no intelligence and no will to win over the Maoists". No Intelligence? You mean Intellectual capacity or Police Intelligence? You do understand that the Constitution of India squarely places the responsibility to protect the States from internal dangers (as well as external) on the shoulders of the Indian Union government? Here is the proof: http://lawmin.nic.in/coi/coiason29july08.pdf
"Article 355: Duty of the Union to protect States against external aggression and internal disturbance
It shall be the duty of the Union to protect every State against external aggression and internal disturbance and to ensure that the government of every State is carried on in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution."
And you accuse and indict Jharkhand without even the basic knowledge of your country's Constitution?
And more ignorance and arrogance on your part when you say Jharkhand has no money. Jharkhand's per capita GDP is exactly TWICE ($680) that of its parent State Bihar ($343). Staying with Bihar would have made it twice as poor as it is today.
And the same level of arrogance, ignorance, and lack of intelligence is exhibited by you when you accuse and indict Telangana:"Telangana too is a hub of Maoism. It too has no will." Really? Even if that, what you claim, is true then who is to be blamed and who have been derelict in their duties? Wouldn't you say Andhra Pradesh and India? Then why are you pointing your finger at Telangana as if Telangana governs itself? You need to be told that when you point a finger at somebody, three fingers are pointing at you.
Now about historical facts. I am referring to your assertion in the article about "Potti Sriramulu fasted unto death for the creation of Andhra Pradesh. He died fasting. Andhra Pradesh was created and other states followed, changing India’s map for ever."
Did you personally research this "fact"? I am asking that question because I don't want to accuse you of manufacturing that "fact" in case one of your "assistants" gave you that piece of "information". Everybody and his brother-in-law, except the vested Andhra politicians and the Andhra dominated government agents, know fully well that Potti Sriramulu fasted for the state of Andhra, especially to demand Madras city as capital, and DIED THREE FULL YEARS before Andhra Pradesh State was formed. In fact, I doubt very much that even the conceptual thought of Andhra Pradesh state existed in the mind of Potti Sriramulu.
When I researched your profile on the Web I discovered the fact that you had studied at Osmania University's Arts & Science College to earn your B.Sc. degree (1980-83) and then at the Department of Journalism from 1984-85 for Bachelor of Communication and Journalism. I am not sure where you secured your secondary school education though. Having studied in Hyderabad especially at its famed Osmania University, you did not learn this basic fact about the state? Then, why did you claim a well known propaganda point (that Potti SR died fasting for AP) in your esteemed column and your esteemed Tehelka magazine? Perhaps, this manufactured "fact" was injected into your article by "somebody" and not you?
Let me quote another gem of your argument which fails to convey your point: "Many parts of India suffer. For too long, we haven’t reached people in interior communities and have therefore created a reservoir of resentment. We don’t know how to handle grievances. We get angry or we deny them. This is the core of the demand for Telangana. "
The core of the demand for Telangana is what exactly? Please read this paragraph (part) and tell us what you were thinking and what is your assertion. I couldn't make "head or tail" of your argument. Being the Executive Editor of Tehelka you are unable to comprehend the core of the demand for the demerger of Telangana State from AP even after reading (I assumed you did) the various publications available on this vast subject (printed and electronic), Fazal Ali Commission Report on Reorganization of States, the Girgliani Commission, SKC report, the many rebuttals of SKC Report, and the over 600 self-sacrifices by Telangana citizens. Well, then, you will never comprehend the core of the demand of Telangana demerger.
And then in the same paragraph, you write "Teluguspeaking people have had a curious impact on India" (typo is yours, not mine). Why indict ALL Telugu speaking people? Telugu speaking people of Telangana did not demand for a linguistic state! It was the Andhras of Madras Presidency who started this "linguistic" state demand for Telugu speaking Madrasis and it was the Telangana Telugu speaking people who opposed this madness by focusing on regional and national integrity irrespective of religion, language, or any such petty partisan mindset.
At least, you make one sensible point: "Telangana too would change the map. Should it come into being, there would be at least another five states to follow. It’s not a bad thing..." . Neither Telangana nor any other of the five states (whatever they might be) change the map of India in terms of its boundaries. Any internal geographical/political demarcations into states is only for internal political administration and accompanying social progress. And as you say, it is not a bad thing!
But, why are you linking Telangana State formation with another five states? The issue of those five states didn't exist in 2000 when the last three States were created? Why then you link those states now with Telangana like the Sword of Damocles? Has this nonsense been your own idea or a transplanted one?
What is disturbing and dangerous is your way of misrepresenting the facts and even manufacturing the facts to suit some vested interests. It does puzzle me as to why you are peddling the propaganda of those vested interests. Why are you providing this journalistic facade to the poisonous nexus of Andhra carpetbaggers by saying "But to agree to Telangana simply because a political party is whipping it up is the absence of thought." Would you have characterized India's Independence Movement as "simply whipped up by a politician (Gandhi Ji) and a political party (INC)"?
Simply because a political party is whipping it up? Nobody can whip it up (Telangana), dear Mr. Simha. Telangana existed, both as a political and geographical entity as well as a sentiment (idea or emotion) before, for hundred of years, just India and Independence for India have, albeit as Hyderabad Deccan but it did, nevertheless. And who planted this "thought" in your mind that it is whipped up simply by a political party? Even the SKC Report made it clear that this popular movement is supported by the great majority of Telanganites of all political affiliations, political parties, walks of life, and the whole cross section of Telangana. Why, even the President of India (Kalaam), the Prime Minister of India (MMS), the President of Indira Congress Party (Sonia), and the Home Minister of India as a representative of the UPA government has attested to this "whip up" (as you fondly say) and even officially approved it. Besides, this "political party" is ONLY a decade old while the Telangana State existed for hundreds of years, even before the formation of Indian Union and existed as Hyderabad State from 1948 and long before the Andhra State was created and the Telangana Movement has been around for over half-a-century. You were a college student in Hyderabad in 1980 and you did not know of the 1969 Telangana Agitation? Was this "political party" existing then?
But, have you lost your moorings? Telangana State De-merger IS a political issue and it is only natural that a political party would spearhead it. Isn't it? Then, why are you whining?
And then you threaten "There will, then, be blood." And whose blood will that be? Yours? And for what? And Why? Is it because your loyalties are with Andhra? You spent your most formative years in Telangana and that too on the campus of Osmania University and Arts & Science College. Then why this turn about?
And, "to agree to Telangana" is the absence of thought? Not to agree to Telangana is actually, THOUGHTLESS and even SENSELESS because Forty Million Telanganites (or at least overwhelming majority of them) aspire for self-determination and self-rule. Forty Million People, consider that again. And Telangana comprises over 114,000 square miles - larger than all Indian States except the largest ten. Telangana State will be almost the same size as Tamil Nadu, and larger than prominent states like Kerala, West Bengal, Assam, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Uttaranchal, etc. In fact, you will have to combine ALL 24 States to form just Three States the size of Telangana!. After all, even Delhi, all of 1483 square miles - 1/77th the size of Telangana, is now a State. You want to know how big is Laksha Dweep State? THIRTY-TWO square miles. And you have a problem with Telangana reverting back to its original status of a State?
And Telangana, I mean Hyderabad Deccan Dominion, has been known to be the richest political entity in the world a century ago. Telangana empowered the Nizam to be the richest person in the world - even the King of Great Britain and Emperor of India!. The Nizam of hyderabad gifted ONE HUNDRED MILLION POUNDS (British) to England to help it out after the First World War. Did you know that? You can get all these facts verified at the Times magazine Archival. They are NOT MY facts!.
And guess what, just in case you are not aware, Hyderabad has been regarded as the alternate or second capital of India. Have you been informed of the presidential summer residence in hyderabad (near Bollarum)? If Hyderabad, which is in the heart of Telangana, is "a hub of maoists.." as you fondly like to assert, why would the president of india risk his/her life by making it the second capital of India and the second residence of India's President? And why would India establish its premier Defense Research Labs in Hyderabad? And why would those Andhra/Seema Carpetbaggers come in droves to establish their business empires in Hyderabad? And why would all those Multi-National Corporations come to Hyderabad to seek their fortunes and establish their businesses in Hyderabad? Why would people from not only coastal and seema regions of AP but from all four corners of India come to Hyderabad in search of making a living and a comfortable nest - Begalis, nepalese, Marathas, Tamilians, Kannadigas, Gujeratis, Marwadis, Punjabis, UP wallahs, Biharis, and everybody else?
Telanganites are not asking a Separate State. We are demanding that our Telangana State be De-Merged. That's All Folks!
What is your vested interest? Why don't you come up frankly and candidly with all your integrity intact to bare your agenda?
Let me refresh your memory by rehashing Tehelka's avowed stance: "One of the most important keys to a free and just society is the existence of a strong and independent media. A media that acts as our conscience and brings news and perspective to us on issues of national interest. A media that acts without fear or favour. Today, perhaps more than any other media group in India, Tehelka has come to stand for these values"
In that spirit of Tehelka, are you ready and willing to correct yourself and enhance Tehelka's stature in India and especially in the eyes of the Forty Million Telanganites?
After all, Telanganites are fighting for the same Democratic and Egalitarian Values that Gandhi Ji upheld in his epic Independence Movement for India. Telangana will still be a part of the same India that exists today, only as a more distinct and proud member among the great states of India. Telangana will still be contributing to India's Progress, Development, and Wealth, only in a greater measure. Telangana has been a unique experience in Brotherhood, Tolerance, and National Integrity since before India's Independence. Just notice all the languages, religions, cultures, and traditions followed in Telangana. Telangana is an example to the whole country for religious tolerance and harmonious living. Unlike any other dominion anywhere on this planet, Telangana officially formulated an experiment welcoming all people since Nizam's time (that's why the Mulki Rules came into being),from not only India but from afar, to its fold and continues to do so. But its magnanimity has been mistaken for weakness and has been exploited and abused for too long by the colonial mindset of coastal and Seema Andhras. The innumerable scandals of corruption in AP today are but a small proof. Now Telangana has decided to opt for self-determination and to guide its own Destiny not for selfish and parochial ends but for a truly Egalitarian and Just Society that treats all of its citizenry equally and justly. The culture and cuisine of Telangana speaks for these innate and, therefore, inherent traits.
Maybe, Telangana will usher in a new and fresh and inspiring Era in the annals of Indian history that will take India to its natural glory and greatness not yet attained and its people to the wonderful world that Gandhi Ji aspired for India. Let us welcome Telangana with both hands and all our energies and spirits.
Perhaps, this letter will give you a Real Taste of Telangana.
Will Tehelka publish my response (this letter) on its website (in the magazine)? I am emailing this to all your colleagues at Tehelka just in case.
Jai Telangana Jai Jai Telangana Jai Hind
Subhash Chandra, Ph.D.
Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Forgive me if I wrongly addressed you as the Executive Editor at Tehelka because of the confusing situation. Tehelka identifies Sankarshan Thakur as the Executive Editor (http://www.tehelka.com/commoncode/tehelka_column/teamtehelka/dateam.htm) while you are identified as the Executive Editor at Tehelka in your column -Vijay Simha is Executive Editor, Tehelka.com. (http://www.tehelka.com/story_main50.asp?filename=Ws280911dignity.asp). I shall leave it to Tehelka to decide who exactly is the Executive Editor at this moment in time.
I have just read your column, "Vijay Simha's Inside Column", on Tehelka web magazine, published on October 4, 2011. This particular column was titled "A taste of Telangana". I take it granted that you personally penned or "authored" the article since it is your column. I was seriously disappointed by the contents of the article, specifically, the asserted "facts". Your opinion can be your own but facts cannot be your own facts. Of course, you hardly provided any data (facts) to substantiate whatever point(s) you were trying to make. And that's another of my disappointments. What exactly was the point(s) you were attempting to make? Either on Telangana or on State Reorganizations in India! On the whole, the article muddled the reputation of both, you - as a seasoned and experienced Journalist of stature in India, as well as that of Tehelka as a premier journalistic publication of substance. I am sorry to state so and request you to forgive me for pointing out the infarction and the pain it might have caused you.
I am just following the illuminating path that Tehelka has blazed: " But most importantly, it (Tehelka) has brought back into hard focus the two most crucial pillars of a free press: public interest and the appetite to question." And I am bringing this issue as a public interest issue and I have the appetite to question untruths and propaganda in which you seem to have indulged in your "Inside Out" article of October 4, 2011, which might be more aptly re-titled "A Post in Haste". At least, I feel that way.
I am going to take your post Inside Out to expose the dangerous underbelly and the rotten gut! The reasons for my doing this are the same reasons for which Tehelka claims to exist! And in Tehelka's own words: "One of the most important keys to a free and just society is the existence of a strong and independent media. A media that acts as our conscience and brings news and perspective to us on issues of national interest. A media that acts without fear or favour. Today, perhaps more than any other media group in India, Tehelka has come to stand for these values."
First thing first. If we must "we must strike him (politician) off the trust list" because he (politician) said he went to Gandhi Ji for clarity then should we also strike Vijay Simha and Tehelka off the Trust List because they both claim even taller virtues"?
And if you "strike him (KCR) off the trust list" do you also strike Gandhi Ji off the Trust List because he also was the REAL Indian politician (not the fake kind of today's India) who didn't have a plan for India when he took up the Cause of Independence for India? In fact, Gandhi Ji and the Indian National Congress (INC), a political party, weren't even sure of what they wanted in the beginning. They started off with a demand for "Home Rule" and not for outright Independence but later matured into a Movement for Total Independence for India. At least, we Telanganites and the political party and the politician in question have been consistent in demanding statehood for Telangana by De-Merging Telangana from Andhra.
And then you accuse and indict both the party and the politician (in effect, all Telanganites) of having no clue why they want Telangana State for: " ...still doesn’t have a plan for Telangana. All that he and his colleagues say is that they won’t rest until Telangana is created. They have no clue after that. This is dangerous."
No kidding? Well then, the very idea and the Movement for India's Independence also must be considered very dangerous because there was NO PLAN then either. And the same applies just about to all Nations that have taken birth - from the US to all other ones formed since then. And the same standard must apply to ALL the States that have been formed since India's independence. What was the PLAN for Andhra when it was demanded and then created? In fact, Andhra State did not even have a Capital city planned then. The whole State operated out of tents after having been kicked out of Madras city. In fact, Andhra State had a deficit budget of FIVE CRORES in 1953. That was a princely sum then. Guess what? Even now, the current State of AP has NO PLAN except to auction off public lands in Telangana and loot all its resources. Neither does the current UPA government have any PLAN! Have you put that same question to the Indian and AP governments as to what their PLANS are for Telangana? Don't, please, list the PLANS listed by SKC Commission. Funny, SKC itself ruled out four of its 6 PLANS and then the PLAN they recommended as solution was the same old, same old conceit that has been touted for the last fifty years but never even attempted for implementation.
Have you even approached KCR or TRS and many other Organizations like TDF that are jointly spearheading this Movement about their PLANS after the De-Merger? You should have. And you would have been pleasantly surprised. For your information and enlightenment, many of us, Telanganites, have not only questioned ourselves "what then, after Telangana State is formed"? but also have formulated our own Ideals and Ideas for a Just and Equitable Telangana State. We have prepared "Telangana Vision Document" which is still being defined and refined. We have had intellectual exchanges on the many burning issues of today (apply to Telangana and the Nation) like Education, Energy (sustainable and renewable), Land Reforms, Industrial Policy, Economic Policy, Social Programmes, Infrastructure, Agricultural policy, Water Resource Development for Safe Drinking Water, for Irrigation, Transportation Needs, Science and Industry Research, Minimum Wage, Sustainable Agriculture, and many other pertinent issues.
I don't think you would find such efforts made by even the Planning Commission of India which has been an utter failure for over sixty years. Today, the Planning Commission headed by the great Manmohan Singh and Montek Singh Ahluwalia has become the butt of jokes owing to its absurd policy statement on who is considered "Poor" in India today.
If you are sincerely and seriously interested in OUR PLANS for Tomorrow's Telangana State, I shall be honored to enlighten you of our Dreams and Ideals and REAL PLAN of ACTIONS. We would even welcome you and the luminaries of Tehelka to contribute to our Plans and Actions for Telangana. We shall even make you all Honourable Citizens of Telangana State!
Now about some "facts" you claimed in your article.
You are mistaken about the relative economic performance of the three states formed in 2000 - Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Uttarkhand. All three States have a MUCH HIGHER PER CAPITA INCOME than the States from which they were carved out, twice as much or higher! Here is the link to educate yourself on the subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_of_India_by_size_of_economy.
You have been quite arrogant and irresponsible in indicting Jharkhand "Jharkhand has no money, no intelligence and no will to win over the Maoists". No Intelligence? You mean Intellectual capacity or Police Intelligence? You do understand that the Constitution of India squarely places the responsibility to protect the States from internal dangers (as well as external) on the shoulders of the Indian Union government? Here is the proof: http://lawmin.nic.in/coi/coiason29july08.pdf
"Article 355: Duty of the Union to protect States against external aggression and internal disturbance
It shall be the duty of the Union to protect every State against external aggression and internal disturbance and to ensure that the government of every State is carried on in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution."
And you accuse and indict Jharkhand without even the basic knowledge of your country's Constitution?
And more ignorance and arrogance on your part when you say Jharkhand has no money. Jharkhand's per capita GDP is exactly TWICE ($680) that of its parent State Bihar ($343). Staying with Bihar would have made it twice as poor as it is today.
And the same level of arrogance, ignorance, and lack of intelligence is exhibited by you when you accuse and indict Telangana:"Telangana too is a hub of Maoism. It too has no will." Really? Even if that, what you claim, is true then who is to be blamed and who have been derelict in their duties? Wouldn't you say Andhra Pradesh and India? Then why are you pointing your finger at Telangana as if Telangana governs itself? You need to be told that when you point a finger at somebody, three fingers are pointing at you.
Now about historical facts. I am referring to your assertion in the article about "Potti Sriramulu fasted unto death for the creation of Andhra Pradesh. He died fasting. Andhra Pradesh was created and other states followed, changing India’s map for ever."
Did you personally research this "fact"? I am asking that question because I don't want to accuse you of manufacturing that "fact" in case one of your "assistants" gave you that piece of "information". Everybody and his brother-in-law, except the vested Andhra politicians and the Andhra dominated government agents, know fully well that Potti Sriramulu fasted for the state of Andhra, especially to demand Madras city as capital, and DIED THREE FULL YEARS before Andhra Pradesh State was formed. In fact, I doubt very much that even the conceptual thought of Andhra Pradesh state existed in the mind of Potti Sriramulu.
When I researched your profile on the Web I discovered the fact that you had studied at Osmania University's Arts & Science College to earn your B.Sc. degree (1980-83) and then at the Department of Journalism from 1984-85 for Bachelor of Communication and Journalism. I am not sure where you secured your secondary school education though. Having studied in Hyderabad especially at its famed Osmania University, you did not learn this basic fact about the state? Then, why did you claim a well known propaganda point (that Potti SR died fasting for AP) in your esteemed column and your esteemed Tehelka magazine? Perhaps, this manufactured "fact" was injected into your article by "somebody" and not you?
Let me quote another gem of your argument which fails to convey your point: "Many parts of India suffer. For too long, we haven’t reached people in interior communities and have therefore created a reservoir of resentment. We don’t know how to handle grievances. We get angry or we deny them. This is the core of the demand for Telangana. "
The core of the demand for Telangana is what exactly? Please read this paragraph (part) and tell us what you were thinking and what is your assertion. I couldn't make "head or tail" of your argument. Being the Executive Editor of Tehelka you are unable to comprehend the core of the demand for the demerger of Telangana State from AP even after reading (I assumed you did) the various publications available on this vast subject (printed and electronic), Fazal Ali Commission Report on Reorganization of States, the Girgliani Commission, SKC report, the many rebuttals of SKC Report, and the over 600 self-sacrifices by Telangana citizens. Well, then, you will never comprehend the core of the demand of Telangana demerger.
And then in the same paragraph, you write "Teluguspeaking people have had a curious impact on India" (typo is yours, not mine). Why indict ALL Telugu speaking people? Telugu speaking people of Telangana did not demand for a linguistic state! It was the Andhras of Madras Presidency who started this "linguistic" state demand for Telugu speaking Madrasis and it was the Telangana Telugu speaking people who opposed this madness by focusing on regional and national integrity irrespective of religion, language, or any such petty partisan mindset.
At least, you make one sensible point: "Telangana too would change the map. Should it come into being, there would be at least another five states to follow. It’s not a bad thing..." . Neither Telangana nor any other of the five states (whatever they might be) change the map of India in terms of its boundaries. Any internal geographical/political demarcations into states is only for internal political administration and accompanying social progress. And as you say, it is not a bad thing!
But, why are you linking Telangana State formation with another five states? The issue of those five states didn't exist in 2000 when the last three States were created? Why then you link those states now with Telangana like the Sword of Damocles? Has this nonsense been your own idea or a transplanted one?
What is disturbing and dangerous is your way of misrepresenting the facts and even manufacturing the facts to suit some vested interests. It does puzzle me as to why you are peddling the propaganda of those vested interests. Why are you providing this journalistic facade to the poisonous nexus of Andhra carpetbaggers by saying "But to agree to Telangana simply because a political party is whipping it up is the absence of thought." Would you have characterized India's Independence Movement as "simply whipped up by a politician (Gandhi Ji) and a political party (INC)"?
Simply because a political party is whipping it up? Nobody can whip it up (Telangana), dear Mr. Simha. Telangana existed, both as a political and geographical entity as well as a sentiment (idea or emotion) before, for hundred of years, just India and Independence for India have, albeit as Hyderabad Deccan but it did, nevertheless. And who planted this "thought" in your mind that it is whipped up simply by a political party? Even the SKC Report made it clear that this popular movement is supported by the great majority of Telanganites of all political affiliations, political parties, walks of life, and the whole cross section of Telangana. Why, even the President of India (Kalaam), the Prime Minister of India (MMS), the President of Indira Congress Party (Sonia), and the Home Minister of India as a representative of the UPA government has attested to this "whip up" (as you fondly say) and even officially approved it. Besides, this "political party" is ONLY a decade old while the Telangana State existed for hundreds of years, even before the formation of Indian Union and existed as Hyderabad State from 1948 and long before the Andhra State was created and the Telangana Movement has been around for over half-a-century. You were a college student in Hyderabad in 1980 and you did not know of the 1969 Telangana Agitation? Was this "political party" existing then?
But, have you lost your moorings? Telangana State De-merger IS a political issue and it is only natural that a political party would spearhead it. Isn't it? Then, why are you whining?
And then you threaten "There will, then, be blood." And whose blood will that be? Yours? And for what? And Why? Is it because your loyalties are with Andhra? You spent your most formative years in Telangana and that too on the campus of Osmania University and Arts & Science College. Then why this turn about?
And, "to agree to Telangana" is the absence of thought? Not to agree to Telangana is actually, THOUGHTLESS and even SENSELESS because Forty Million Telanganites (or at least overwhelming majority of them) aspire for self-determination and self-rule. Forty Million People, consider that again. And Telangana comprises over 114,000 square miles - larger than all Indian States except the largest ten. Telangana State will be almost the same size as Tamil Nadu, and larger than prominent states like Kerala, West Bengal, Assam, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Uttaranchal, etc. In fact, you will have to combine ALL 24 States to form just Three States the size of Telangana!. After all, even Delhi, all of 1483 square miles - 1/77th the size of Telangana, is now a State. You want to know how big is Laksha Dweep State? THIRTY-TWO square miles. And you have a problem with Telangana reverting back to its original status of a State?
And Telangana, I mean Hyderabad Deccan Dominion, has been known to be the richest political entity in the world a century ago. Telangana empowered the Nizam to be the richest person in the world - even the King of Great Britain and Emperor of India!. The Nizam of hyderabad gifted ONE HUNDRED MILLION POUNDS (British) to England to help it out after the First World War. Did you know that? You can get all these facts verified at the Times magazine Archival. They are NOT MY facts!.
And guess what, just in case you are not aware, Hyderabad has been regarded as the alternate or second capital of India. Have you been informed of the presidential summer residence in hyderabad (near Bollarum)? If Hyderabad, which is in the heart of Telangana, is "a hub of maoists.." as you fondly like to assert, why would the president of india risk his/her life by making it the second capital of India and the second residence of India's President? And why would India establish its premier Defense Research Labs in Hyderabad? And why would those Andhra/Seema Carpetbaggers come in droves to establish their business empires in Hyderabad? And why would all those Multi-National Corporations come to Hyderabad to seek their fortunes and establish their businesses in Hyderabad? Why would people from not only coastal and seema regions of AP but from all four corners of India come to Hyderabad in search of making a living and a comfortable nest - Begalis, nepalese, Marathas, Tamilians, Kannadigas, Gujeratis, Marwadis, Punjabis, UP wallahs, Biharis, and everybody else?
Telanganites are not asking a Separate State. We are demanding that our Telangana State be De-Merged. That's All Folks!
What is your vested interest? Why don't you come up frankly and candidly with all your integrity intact to bare your agenda?
Let me refresh your memory by rehashing Tehelka's avowed stance: "One of the most important keys to a free and just society is the existence of a strong and independent media. A media that acts as our conscience and brings news and perspective to us on issues of national interest. A media that acts without fear or favour. Today, perhaps more than any other media group in India, Tehelka has come to stand for these values"
In that spirit of Tehelka, are you ready and willing to correct yourself and enhance Tehelka's stature in India and especially in the eyes of the Forty Million Telanganites?
After all, Telanganites are fighting for the same Democratic and Egalitarian Values that Gandhi Ji upheld in his epic Independence Movement for India. Telangana will still be a part of the same India that exists today, only as a more distinct and proud member among the great states of India. Telangana will still be contributing to India's Progress, Development, and Wealth, only in a greater measure. Telangana has been a unique experience in Brotherhood, Tolerance, and National Integrity since before India's Independence. Just notice all the languages, religions, cultures, and traditions followed in Telangana. Telangana is an example to the whole country for religious tolerance and harmonious living. Unlike any other dominion anywhere on this planet, Telangana officially formulated an experiment welcoming all people since Nizam's time (that's why the Mulki Rules came into being),from not only India but from afar, to its fold and continues to do so. But its magnanimity has been mistaken for weakness and has been exploited and abused for too long by the colonial mindset of coastal and Seema Andhras. The innumerable scandals of corruption in AP today are but a small proof. Now Telangana has decided to opt for self-determination and to guide its own Destiny not for selfish and parochial ends but for a truly Egalitarian and Just Society that treats all of its citizenry equally and justly. The culture and cuisine of Telangana speaks for these innate and, therefore, inherent traits.
Maybe, Telangana will usher in a new and fresh and inspiring Era in the annals of Indian history that will take India to its natural glory and greatness not yet attained and its people to the wonderful world that Gandhi Ji aspired for India. Let us welcome Telangana with both hands and all our energies and spirits.
Perhaps, this letter will give you a Real Taste of Telangana.
Will Tehelka publish my response (this letter) on its website (in the magazine)? I am emailing this to all your colleagues at Tehelka just in case.
Jai Telangana Jai Jai Telangana Jai Hind
Subhash Chandra, Ph.D.
Baton Rouge, LA, USA
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