VBy analyzing some of the key findings of Srikrishna Committee Telangana state is inevitable, it is only matter of time and Telangana will become No 1 state in the Counrty. Please read.
Chapter 9, Page 453
The overall economic viability of Telangana with Hyderabad is projected to be stable and as a matter of fact the GDP of this state will be much larger than many other states in the Country.
Chapter 7, Page 417
Given the long-standing history of the demand for a separate state, the deep penetration of the sense of grievance and the widespread emotion around the issue, unless genuine steps are taken to address both real and percieved disparities, the demand is unlikely to go away permanently even if it is subdued temporarily.
Chapter 7, Page 414
In Telangana, regional sentiment has been predominant, cutting across caste, tribe and religious identities and across social class groups.
A major factor feeding into the mass support for the movement is the tremendous educational progress in Telangana among all social groups and classes, which feeds into desire for better jobs, better living standards and greater say in decision-making in the state and region.
Chapter 7, Page 416
If the cultural hegemony of one region over another translates into deliberate and systematic discrimination in employment or participation in cultural or political life, then it becomes a matter of serious concern and has to be addressed by the state.
Chapter 7, Page 413
If a state can handle demands of diverse groups and ensure that everyone grows, the focus should be on means to ensure greater democratic decentralization and equity of outcomes.
If it constantly finds it difficult to handle or satisfy such demands and there is heavy cost in terms of loss of life and property and a state of continuous uncertainty, it may be better to let disgruntled units go their own way.
Jai Telangana,
Balakrishna Patlori
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